2010-2011 Originations Best Default History on Record; Delinquencies Down 25% from Highs, Foreclosure Inventory Near Peak Level
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Here are a couple of interesting charts from the LPS Mortgage Monitor, January 2012 Mortgage Performance Observations report. Data as of December, 2011 Month-end.
click on any chart for sharper image
Originations Decline
Government Responsible for Most Refinance Activity

Quality of Loans Improves

Foreclosure Inventory Near Peak Level

Horrendous Performance of Loans in Foreclosure in Judicial States

The quality of recent loans has gone up and delinquencies are lower, but the rest of the data shows numerous problems. Foreclosure inventory is near record levels and more foreclosures wait in the wings. Home sales has stalled and home prices continue to decline according to Case Shiller.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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