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Sunday, January 10, 2010 5:33 PM

Senate leader Harry Reid refuses to bow out; Destined for Ash Heap of History

Mish Moved to MishTalk.Com Click to Visit.

Those looking for good news on a cold winter weekend can find it in Nevada where Senate majority leader Harry Reid vows to run for re-election and is getting trounced in the polls.

In case you missed it, Senator Dodd Will Not Seek Re-election.

Good riddance. Dodd's best achievement since his election in 1980 is stepping aside now.

A nice gridlock where Obama can do no more damage would be a good thing. All it takes is a few senate seats and a gain of 30+ seats in the House. It would be better yet if Republicans could take control of the house as that would all but guarantee gridlock.

It's a sad state of affairs when the best we can realistically hope for is gridlock. Until both parties get some fiscal religion however, that is likely the best we can do.

But never give up hope. Please seek out, support, and vote for candidates that have strong fiscal and monetary ideas, who also vow to end the military madness in the Mideast. One, by one, by one, we need to clean house. Dodd is a start.

Sound Money Candidates

If you are looking for some sound money candidates to vote for, there you go.

Scott Brown - Massachusetts Special Election

Scott Brown is running against Martha Coakley in a special election to fill Ted Kennedy's seat. The choice is a no brainer in favor of Brown.

I cannot find evidence that Scott Brown is a sound money candidate, but he does have a common sense approach to free market issues elsewhere.

Here is An In-Depth Look at the Upcoming Massachusetts Special Election.

A Republican victory can change the balance of the Senate, kill cap-and-trade and Obama's socialist tax policies.

Please Support Scott Brown; Join The Brown Brigade.


I received a nice Email from Deon Long on January 11, 2010

From Deon:
Hello Mish,

I enjoy your blog. It was brought to my attention by Nathan Lewis when you identified candidates vying for office in the 2010 election cycle who supported a sound monetary policy.

Please check out my website at Deon Long For Congress. I am running as a Republican in Florida’s 24th Congressional District in the 2010 election cycle.

My primary issues are:
1) Adoption of the Fair Tax along with the elimination of the income tax, payroll taxes, self employment taxes, capital gain tax and estate tax ( negation of the 16th Amendment would also be a component of my advocacy of the Fair Tax;
2) Return to the gold standard;
3) Adoption of a balanced budget amendment;
4) Implementation of a free trade regime and
5) Repeal of Sarbanes-Oxley.

Deon Long
I added Deon Long to my list above

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